have you mounted the page?

Hubert Kauker wrote:

I want to support a URL like this:

The page is meant to perform login.

When both userid and password are correct, I want to pass to the following
page directly.
This works well.

When the password is wrong, I want an error message in the feedback panel
and stay on the page.
This works, too.

When either of the (required) parameters userid/password is missing, I want
the usual validation error message.

This does NOT work, for some reason I do not understand.

I suspect, the constructor is probably the wrong place where to place the

But where should it go?

Many thanks in advance.


public class Home extends WebPage { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private String userid;
        private String password;
        // Getters and Setters
        public String getUserid() {
                return userid;
        public void setUserid( String userid ){
                this.userid = userid;
        public String getPassword() {
                return password;
        public void setPassword( String password ){
                this.password = password;

        // Constructor
        public Home(PageParameters parameters) {
                userid = parameters.getString("userid");
                password = parameters.getString("password");
                if( parameters.getBoolean("submit") ) {
                        if( ((LoginForm)get("loginForm")).process() ) {
        // Constructor
        public Home() {
                add( new LoginForm( "loginForm", this ) );
                add( new FeedbackPanel( "feedback" ));
        // Form
        public class LoginForm extends Form {
                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                public LoginForm(String id, Object modelObject ) {
                        super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel( modelObject ));
                        add(new RequiredTextField("userid"));

                public void onSubmit() {
                        if( userid == null ) return;
                        if (userid.equals(password)) {
                                setResponsePage(new Welcome(userid));
                        } else
                                error("Wrong Password");

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