I've just started playing with wicket-contrib-gmap2 but I'm having a bit of
a problem:

When I try to create a simple map inside my Wicket application, I get an
exception in Firefox saying:
  "uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method XMLHttpRequest.open"

I've had a look at issues surrounding security restrictions in Javascript
and I understand that Firefox will block XMLHttpRequests to hosts other than
where the page came from.  I've also seen a few workarounds such as running
proxies for the XML-HTTP requests.  Does gmap2 deal with these issues in any
way?  I suspect I'm missing something, as when I run the gmap2 examples in a
local Tomcat, everything works fine...

One additional question: after I get the above JavaScript exception, the
other AJAX controls on the same page seem to stop working as well - is this
something that Wicket ought to be handling better?  (I'm running
Wicket 1.3beta 4, with the head version of gmap2 built against this).


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