> > > i plan to use JPA together with Wicket. Are there any
> > > best-practices out there of how to handle EnityManagers and
> Transactions?
> > >
> > > What do other people use (no, not the spring crowd ;) ?
> > >
> > > One EntityManager per Request seems to be the obvious idea and a
> > > Provider may help with that. Does anyone have serious experiences
> > > that or other suggestions?
> > >

Have you seen exPOJO (http://expojo.com) yet? It an open source, very
lightweight framework, free for use in commercial and open source apps,
which sounds like what you're looking for.

It allows you to build a completely POJO object model and persist it via
a generic transparent persistence interface that has plugins for the
various popular transparent persistence engines: Hibernate
(implemented), JDO/JPOX (implemented) and JPA (will be implemented if
sufficient demand)

The obvious benefit in such an approach is that your POJO model and the
services that you provide to implement business rules etc., remain
completely portable to different persistence engines - ie., no vendor
lock in.

As well as "wrapping" the various persistence engines it also provides
dependency injection without resorting to separate XML/bean mania - it's
all done very quickly and concisely and automatically in Java - which
means you have the benefit of compile time error checking instead of
finding out about configuration errors at run time as you do in Spring.

The only XML config is the usual configuration of an exPOJO filter and
start up/shut down (ServletContextListener) listener in your web.xml.
These are just a few lines that only need to be set up once and never
need adjusting no matter how big your project grows.

You can read more about it and download (~200kb!) from:


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