
I have recently started to use Wicket and I'm finally getting up to speed after 
getting my Dao-framework and Spring integrated nicely with it. However, I'm 
having problems figuring out how to implement detachable models.

Let's take a simple example from my code base (I'm free-typing here so this 
code may not be 100% correct, but hopefully you'll get what I mean).

public class MyPage extends WebPage {

    private Movie movie;

    public MyPage(Movie movie) {

        this.movie = movie;

        add(new MyForm("form"));


    private final MyForm extends Form {

        private MyForm(String id) {

            super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel(movie));

            add(new TextField("name"));
            add(new TextField("year", Integer.class));

            /* etc */




Now, this code works well. However, Movie is not an object that I would like 
serialize, mainly because I due to technical reasons not even can. However, 
using just an identifier I would be able to restore it using a globally 
accessable dao-locator.

If anyone could give me a few hints or pointers I would appreciate it.

Thanks for a great framework.

// Matthias
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