If the page is stateless, why are you using hybrid url coding strategy
for it? You should just mount it.
Also, even more important thing, is the page really stateless?
Stateless pages don't have versions.
Link is not a stateless component so if you use it on a page, it will
make it statefull.

As for why the locale changes version, I don't know. How does your
link's onClick handler look like?


On Nov 12, 2007 6:33 PM, Sebastiaan van Erk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a page mounted using the hybrid coding strategy. In the page I
> have a language link, to change the locale in the session (to show
> another language). Now what happens is, I have
> http://mysite/mypage.1.1 (in Dutch)
> <click English link>
> http://mysite/mypage.1.2 (in English)
> <click browser back button>
> http://mysite/mypage.1.1 (in Dutch)
> <click browser reload button>
> http://mysite/mypage.1.1 (in English!)
> I was wondering if I could make it switch language without changing the
> page version, since it seems that it makes no difference anyhow: the
> language is determined by the session and not by the page version (as
> proved by the reload above).
> Furthermore, the page is *stateless*, so I was wondering how I could
> keep it that way even with the language link. The problem is that the
> language link is in the base page and knows nothing about the real page
> (if it's bookmarkable, mounted, etc). I currently use a Link and just
> set the locale on the web session...
> Regards,
> Sebastiaan

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