Thijs wrote:
I'm trying to get wicket portlets to work in Liferay.

As fas as I can tell there are at least 2 issues at the moment:
1.) A nullpointer exception in WebResponse due to an issue in de Liferay
code that returns null in the encodeRedirectUrl (see

To answer a question on the liferay forum I need to know why the
encodeRedirectUrl is called. I think this is because of the
REDIRECT_TO_RENDER setting done by the WicketFilterPortletContext. But can
somebody confirm that?!
Hi Thijs,

I've looked a bit deeper into this issue and it turned out that this is (or 
was) a JSR-168 conformance problem indeed.
On Jetspeed-2 this didn't really cause any problems as we are more relaxed on this specific issue (in the end, redirects during rendering are not and will not ever be possible so allowing encoding doesn't hurt either).
But clearly this needed to be resolved independently of Jetspeed, so I've 
created a new issue,, as well 
already resolved it :)
Please do check if this now works for you too.

I have no clue what causes this issue or where to look. Can somebody give me
a push in the right direction?
For this one, I really don't have a clue.
You'll probably need a Liferay expert here as this goes into the internal url 
handling of the Liferay portlet container and is beyond Wicket itself.



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