On Nov 16, 2007 8:02 PM, Korbinian Bachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That project needs an update for 1.3
> > Add wicket-ioc dep / remove spring dep + some other unneeded deps /
> > fix package names, I contacted the author but got no response.
> > Plus you have to define all beans in the web.xml which is not needed
> > when you work with jsf for example (tested on glassfish). Does anybody
> > know why that is?
> err, you need to checkout the trunk version for 1.3, built is for 1.2 !
> the trunk works perfect with 1.3, but its noted on the page AFAIK

hmm, the pom still needs an update to use ioc instead of swing + what
are those servlet/portlet api dependencies doing there?

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