
since a few days I'm struggling with a problem I didn't find any solution yet.

I have two pages containing some Panels and a BaseTree (I'm using my
own node panel) each. setLinkType(BaseTree.LinkType.REGULAR) is used.
What I want is that the tree is updated every time the page is updated
due to some actions done by the user. This works correctly for page
number one but not for the other one. Page 2 shows the updated tree
(all nodes are expanded) but there is no visual feedback when a node
is selected even if the selection on "the code side" works. It is not
possible for the user to collapse a node as well.

I have some questions related with the problem. Before I forget to
mention it: I use 1.3.0 RC1.

1) Is it OK using onBeforeRender() (overridden at the page, super is
called *after* I updated everything) to update the model of the tree?

2) Should I update the model of the tree by removing and adding nodes
to the root-node and then calling reload() on the DefaultTreeModel?
The more I think about it I would say "no" since this is a method from
the Swing-API. But it works on page 1 (would't work if it is not
there). Calling updateTree() on the AbstractTree has no effect since i
don't use AJAX.

If you need any code or more explanation I will provide it of course.
I hope somebody has an idea what I'm doing wrong.

Thank you for your help.

Thomas Krause

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