I actually *do* have that, but this code recently went through some ...
surgery that left things in a rather sloppy state.  Clearly not the most
prize worthy section of code.  :)

On Nov 27, 2007 10:43 PM, Timo Rantalaiho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Nov 2007, Evan Chooly wrote:
> > So here's the skinny:  while my subclass was marked as serializable, the
> > parent class was not.  So no state from the parent class got serialized
> nor,
> > not so surprisingly, deserialized.  After adding that implements clause
> > things miraculously started working.  So a big "you idiot" for me and a
> big
> > thanks to igor for pointing me to the Objects.cloneObject() method to
> help
> > write unit tests to highlight my otherwise obvious error.
> In an earlier project I also made a check on the main page
> that serialised it to memory on every request in development
> mode. It might be a good idea to do something like this but
> make it check that the cloned object is equal to the
> original.
> Yours is a nasty case as in that serialisation seems to fail
> (or rather work in a broken way) silently.
> For persistent objects (you said the parent class was a
> @MappedSuperclass right?) it often makes sense to make them
> inherit or implement a common base class / interface that
> implements / extends Serializable.
> Best wishes,
> Timo
> --
> Timo Rantalaiho
> Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >
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