Johan Compagner schrieb:
The number of people that eventually really attended was really high, and i
enjoyed it a lot.

Special thx to Arjé for organizing it in this way, if you have a wicket
feature request tell me! ;)


Talking about Arje's talent of organizing:

I was able to walk up in the Meetup and say:
"I'm one of the speakers and I don't have a laptop with me!"
"My presentation is on the memorystick and for the presentation with examples I need a laptop with OpenOffice, java, subversion, maven2, internet and the latest wicket snapshot"

And you know what, with the help of Jeroen Reijn we got it all set, up just in time!
Thank you Jeroen! By the way did you find the mouse again?

This is us preparing:
and here you can see just in time:

Here are the slides I showed in Amsterdam:

To conclude all this, I really enjoyed my trip to Amsterdam. I'd really like to come for a second time. But it's getting harder as I'm moving from Düsseldorf to Wiesbaden (nearby Frankfurt) right now. The room was great and of course thanks to all the sponsors, but the impression that this location had on me was quite bigger. It's not shiny as congress centers or hotel lobbies or modern movie theaters, not at all. But it fulfilled all the needs we had, cool to see a high tech community meet in such a cracked shell.

Thnx and see you next time,


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