Looks interesting...


Will this reliably work in WicketTester or are there implication you should be aware of?


Am 20.12.2007 um 10:27 schrieb Sebastiaan van Erk:

Or Session.get(), or better yet use MySession.get() where in MySession you define the static method:

public static MySession get() {
        return (MySession) Session.get();

which avoids casts. (Use can use the same trick to get the application).


Suad AlShamsi wrote:
Did you try to get it from the application. getApplicaion().getSession();
tsuresh wrote:
I have Panel called MenuPanel and a page WelcomePage. When the user is authenticated through Login page the user is forwarded to WelcomePage. This WelcomePage consists of MenuPanel. How do I get the user session from the
MenuPanel. I simply added the MenuPanel in WelcomePage as
add(new MenuPanel("menuBar"));

and in MenuPanel I tried to get Session as
LoginSession sess = (LoginSession) getSession();

But this sess returned null;

I have made the LoginSession class. I have set user session in Login page as ..
Am i missing something?

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