Unfortunately the approach below seems not to work reliably on IE7;
for certain kind of changes, the OnSuccess or OnFailure never gets
called and so the cursor gets stuck in Busy mode.  That stinks!

On Dec 18, 2007 11:29 AM, Kirk Israel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess I prefer the convention of changing the mouse pointer to
> "busy" rather than putting a little throbber by the link for two
> reasons:
> 1. the throbber risks messing with the layout of the page
> 2. Changing the cursor has a much longer history as a UI convention
> for computer busyness
> Now Firefox was already changing the cursor for Ajax operations for
> some cases, but it was inconsistent,
> I think this small class deals with that:
> /**
>  * AjaxFallbackLink that changes mouse pointer to "progress" (i.e.
> busy) during Ajax operations
>  * for the link itself (in case the pointer is still hovering over it)
> and the whole document
>  * (if the pointer has been moved)
>  *
>  */
> public abstract class ProgressPointerAjaxFallbackLink extends 
> AjaxFallbackLink {
>     public ProgressPointerAjaxFallbackLink(final String id) {
>         this(id, null);
>     }
>     public ProgressPointerAjaxFallbackLink(final String id, final IModel 
> model){
>         super(id, model);
>     }
>     @Override
>     protected IAjaxCallDecorator getAjaxCallDecorator() {
>         return new AjaxCallDecorator(){
>             private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>             public CharSequence decorateScript(CharSequence pScript) {
>                 return
> "this.style.cursor='progress';document.body.style.cursor='progress';"+pScript;
>             }
>             public CharSequence decorateOnSuccessScript(CharSequence pScript) 
> {
>                 return
> "this.style.cursor='pointer';document.body.style.cursor='auto';"+pScript;
>             }
>             public CharSequence decorateOnFailureScript(CharSequence pScript) 
> {
>                 return
> "this.style.cursor='pointer';document.body.style.cursor='auto';"+pScript;
>             }
>         };
>     }
> }
> "ProgressPointerAjaxFallbackLink" is more concise but probably less
> readable than my coworker's suggestion "BusyCursorAjaxFallbackLink".
> Actually I might switch to the latter.
> Feedback to this approach and/or implementation welcome.

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