I'm not 100% sure, but have a look at the package

org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.request.urlcompressing  I checked the 1.3.0docs.

2008/1/9, Verma Sanjeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am trying to integrate Wicket with an old application server (ATG)
> which does support servlet spec 2.3
> This server cannot handle colon (":") character in the query string and
> it expects it to be URL encoded, otherwise it gives 404 error.
> Is there any workaround in Wicket for this?
> *       Encoding ":" character etc
> I contacted tech support for ATG and they said URL should be encoded.
> ******* REPLY for ATG DYNAMO SUPPORT ****
> > However if there is ":" character in the query
> > string Dynamo gives 404 page not found error.
> Section 3.2.1 of RFC 1945 and section 2.2 of RFC 1738
> indicate that the colon character is a reserved
> character. I take this to mean that the colon should
> be URL encoded when it is not in use for its reserved
> Thanks for the help.
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Martijn Lindhout
JointEffort IT Services
+31 (0)6 18 47 25 29

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