I did something similar, converting a boolean radio to the Dutch words "Ja"
and "Nee" (yes / no).
This is the code:

public class JaNeeToBooleanConverterModel extends Model {

    private IModel wrappedModel;

    public JaNeeToBooleanConverterModel(IModel model) {
        wrappedModel = model;

    public Object getObject() {
        Boolean b = (Boolean)wrappedModel.getObject();
        return b.booleanValue() ? "Ja" : "Nee";

    public void setObject(Object object) {
        Boolean value = "Ja".equals(object) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

2008/1/15, Mead Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi, Well,I am use MySql, and there is no boolean type in mysql database.
> so I use Char(1) in the database, and in html I use CheckBox.but CheckBox
> only contain Boolean type.
> How to solve this problem? Use IConverter interface? Thanks
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Martijn Lindhout
JointEffort IT Services
+31 (0)6 18 47 25 29

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