On Mon, 14 Jan 2008, Tim Lantry wrote:
> I have a visitor that adds a behavior to all the links on my page.  The
> visitor fires onbeforeRender of the page.  The behavior uses the
> onComponentTag to prepend some javascript to a link.
> This works great.  However lets say I want to update a table via ajax that
> has several links in the cells.  After the table has been updated the
> javascript is no longer there.  It's like it forgot that my visitor added
> the behvior to those links.

What Wicket component is backing up your table? If it is a
repeater, you must take on account that repeaters (depending
on their item reuse strategy, to be exact) create their
children in onBeforeRender.

So you might need to fire your visitor on the table after
the ajax update or something. This might get hairy, you 
probably need to start onBeforeRender with


Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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