Solved: Just using a normal Link with its onClick instead. No need for onSubmit.

Still, should the SubmitLink be fixed or have its javadocs updated, or am I missing something?


On Jan 16, 2008, at 10:22 AM, Alex Jacoby wrote:

I would like to use a SubmitLink button without a form, but it looks like the code for form-less SubmitLink only handles the case when it's attached to an anchor tag, and not when it's attached to a button input.

// Here it properly sets the href tag in the case of an anchor, and calls getTriggerJavaScript for other cases...
        protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
                // [snip]
                        if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("a"))
                                tag.put("href", "#");
                        tag.put("onclick", getTriggerJavaScript());

// ... but getTriggerJavaScript returns null if there's no form
        protected final String getTriggerJavaScript()
                if (getForm() != null)
                        // [Does a lot of stuff]
                        return null;

I'm not sure what the javascript should be, but it should be possible, right?


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