Hello I've been using wicket for almost a year.  I recently ran into the
common web problem of the browser being overly aggressive on caching
javascript files.   This is commonly solved by adding a query parm which
changes based on the contents of the js file (checksum, time-stamp, etc).

After some searching (through forums, documentation, and wiki), I found the
following mailing list thread which alluded to the feature being done:

It took some debugging through the wicket source, but I found the following
setting which can be flipped to enable this behavior (adding a lastmodified
url parm):


The reason I'm posting this message is so that anyone else encountering a
similar problem might have a better search result that shows the solution.
Since I've been using wicket for some time, maybe I should have known to
look in all the settings interfaces?  However this doesn't seem like
something you would want to turn off.

Could you (wicket-committers) consider changing this to the default behavior
since browsers have a common problem of caching those files too
aggressively?   Using the lastmodifiedTime is a good approach to forcing the
browser to refresh only when appropriate.   I think it's much better than
the current default of allowing for the browser to behave strangely when the
resource has changed on the server and requiring the user to manually clear
their browser cache.

   Matt - http://netsmith.blogspot.com

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