I have a Form component : SomeCheckGroup added to a SomePanel.
For screen arrangement purpose , this SomePanel is not a sub-node of the
Form ,
it's outside of the Form . It looks like this :

OutmostPanel add FormPanel
  FormPanel add MainForm
    MainForm add other form components
OutmostPanel add SomePanel
  SomePanel add SomeCheckGroup1
  SomePanel add SomeCheckGroup2
  SomePanel add SomeCheckGroup3 ...

How do I get the value of SomeCheckGroup when MainForm submit() ?

Now , I could only use AjaxCheckBox in SomeCheckGroup to update the
MainForm's model ,
but sometimes , it seems maybe network delay problem , cause some
synchronized problem , which set "null" to the form's model , it's hard to
debug ,
and I feel it is bandwidth consumptive... But I cannot find a way to not
using AJAX and notify the checkGroup latest model to MainForm's model .
Can somebody give me a hint .
Thanks in advanced.

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