It appeared to be that way after stepping through the code many times in a debugger but that's definitely not conclusive evidence. I'll try and come up with a better measure of what's going on.


Matej Knopp wrote:
Indeed, the reason for it is to reduce memory consumption. Right now,
I don't see any easy way around, are you absolutely sure that it
causes you performance problems?


On Feb 11, 2008 2:15 PM, Meetesh Karia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all, I'm using DataView in wicket 1.3 and we have ~400 items that are
returned by a data provider.  I'd expect the adding of the items to be
rather quick but it turns out that it's not and it looks like the
culprit might be MarkupContainer.put.  That method expands the children
array 1 entry at a time which makes the loop of adding the items n^2.

Is there a good reason for this loop to be n^2 (memory conservation
perhaps)?  Is there any easy way around it?


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