store the backing model in the session and get it from the session, this
will help you retain the state in all the cases


On Feb 20, 2008 11:38 AM, steviezz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a panel on my application home page containing 3 related dropdowns
> -
> area/country/region.
> I use AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior to populate the lower dropdowns
> when
> a higher one changes - eg:
>  area changes - country and region dropdowns get reset
>  country changes - region dropdown gets reset
> Code looks like:
>     private DropDownChoice getCountriesDDC(IModel countryChoices,
>                        final DropDownChoice regions) {
>                logger.debug("Enter getCountriesDDC");
>                final DropDownChoice countries = new
> DropDownChoice("countries",
>                                new PropertyModel(this, "selectedCountry"),
> countryChoices,
>                                new ChoiceRenderer("name", "id"));
>                countries.add(new
> AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
>                        protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>                                regions.clearInput();
>                                regions.setModelObject(null);
>                                target.addComponent(regions);
>                        }
>                });
>                countries.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>                logger.debug("Exit getCountriesDDC " + countries);
>                return countries;
>        }
> My application is not a full-blown Ajax app - it still needs to be search
> engine and user friendly.  So, when I submit my form having selected the
> various dropdowns, I want to forward to a traditional results pages rather
> than pull the results into the original page with Ajax.
> But I also want to include the search panel at the top of the results page
> and maintain its dropdown state from the original search page (so the
> selection matches the displayed results).  For example, user selects
> "North
> America / United States / California" on the search page, then the results
> page should have all 3 dropdowns popluated with all the North American
> choices in dropdown 2, and the USA states in dropdown 3 - with USA and
> California selected.
> I also need to maintain the same search panel dropdown state if the user
> uses the main site navigation links to go back to the home page - this
> will
> be from a simple url like /app/home.
> Search dropdown state must also survive a page refresh.  I hate it when
> applications (typical flight booking systems, etc) make you re-enter all
> the
> search criteria if you go back to the home page, deviate out of their
> restricted page-flow, or refresh the page.  At present, on page refresh,
> my
> the top level area dropdown retains its choices but the country and region
> dropdowns have their choices removed (no way to get them back unless you
> select a different top level area to re-fire the Ajax Javascript).
> In summary, I need to know:
> 1.  how to make the dropdown state survive when I include the search panel
> on another page
> 2.  how to make the dropdown state survive when I navigate back to the
> original page using a simple home page navigation link (effectively
> reloading the home page)
> 3.  how to make the dropdown state survive a page refresh (much the same
> same as 2).
> Of course, if I am wasting my time because this is stupid, then I'd value
> any other suggestions on how to deal with this by redesigning the user
> interface.
> Thanks.
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