ok I am wanting to have a custom feedback message for a testfield that is
created in a panel. I know how to do this for a simple textfield in a form
but I am createing these textfields on the fly using nested panels so I
wanted to know how to do this. Right now I am only adding one panel but I
plan on adding several. here is some code:

Form form = new Form("myform", new CompoundPropertyModel(request)) {
                        protected void onSubmit() {
                form.add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));
                RepeatingView sections=new RepeatingView("Sections");
                sections.add(new generalPanel(sections.newChildId()));
                //add other sections here

//basically this is a section on my template page. I am going to do a query
and get all the info and create //the panel as needed weither I need
textfields or whatever. again only doing on row right now but I will //soon
add many more.
public class generalPanel extends Panel {
        public generalPanel(String id) {
          RepeatingView generalRows=new RepeatingView("generalRows");
          generalRows.add(new textFieldPanel(generalRows.newChildId(), "Test 1",
"Test 2"));
          //add more rows to the general Panel here

public class textFieldPanel extends Panel {
        public textFieldPanel(String id, String name1, String name2) {
          TextField t1 = new TextField("textField1");
          TextField t2 = new TextField("textField2");

Now I want a custom message that says something like: name1 is required
instead of textField1 is required because I can have several of these panels
and the user will not know what textField1 is.

I tried setting the properties file for template.properties to:
myform.Sections.generalRows.textField1.Required=Name is required

but that did not work. once I get this simple change working I will look
into setting the label of textField1 and getting the message to print with
that so I can pass name1 to the message but first I would like to get it
working with a simple generic message.

Do I need to set the properties for the panels as well? do I not need to use
.newChildId() for the panel ids so I can know what the id is? Can I get the
id some how?

please help me and I am sorry this is so long but I felt looking at the code
you would understand what I want more.


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