I do basically the same thing, but since the title does not change on my pages I see no need to have a (dynamic) model for the property, plus I just use the constructor to set it, which saves some loc. In other words:

public abstract class BasePage extends WebPage
  // ...
  public BasePage(String title)
    add(new Label("title", title));

public class SubPage extends BasePage
  public SubPage(PageParameters parameters) {
     super("whatever title");

If you need the page parameters in the BasePage constructor then feel free to pass them with the constructor too...


Kaspar Fischer wrote:
I am using markup inheritance (<wicket:child> and <wicket:extend>) and need to set the page title from my subpage. I currently add a label in the base class (BasePage.java) and make it use an abstract method getTitle(), which is overridden in the subclass
(SubPage.java). Has anybody found a better way?

Here's my solution:

<!-- BasePage.html -->
  <title wicket:id="title">[Page title]</title>

<!-- SubPage.html -->
  <!-- anything ... -->

public abstract class BasePage extends WebPage
  // ...
  public BasePage(final PageParameters parameters)
    add(new Label("title", new PropertyModel(this, "title")));
  public abstract String getTitle();

public class SubPage extends BasePage
  // ...
  public String getTitle()
    return "whatever title";

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