hello,i got the same problem.
       PageParameters params = new PageParameters();
       params.put("pid", pid);
         new PageParameters(params));
--------in FirstLogin.java -------
PageParameters params = new PageParameters();
System.out.print("pid=" + params.getKey("pid"));------the output is null;how to 
get the parameter?

在2008-01-22,"Stephan Koch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写道:

Hi all,

I'm experiencing a problem using getPageParameters().

The parameter id is passed to MyPage:
setResponsePage(MyPage.class, new PageParameters("id="+evalId));

In the constructor of MyPage I try to access the parameter id:
Integer evalId = Integer.parseInt(getPageParameters().getKey("id"));

This fails with a NullPointerException. I thought the usage of
PageParameters was pretty straightforward- did I miss something here?

I'm using Wicket 1.3.


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