On 3/10/08, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/10/08, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 7:39 PM, James Carman
>  >  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  > If I'm developing a Hibernate-based application and I want to install
>  >  >  some global StateObjectStateException handling code, what's the best
>  >  >  way to do it?  I could override Application.newRequestCycle()
>  >  >  providing my own request cycle implementation which overrides the
>  >  >  onRuntimeException() method.  Is there a way to plug in logic which
>  >  >  says "if you see exception type X, use this handler"?
>  >
>  >
>  > notice requestcycle.onruntimeexception() has access to the exception,
>  >  and returns a page, so
>  >
>  >  myrc.onruntimexception(runtimeexception e) {
>  >   if (e.getrootcause() instanceof hibernateexception) {
>  >       return new hibernateerrorpage(e);
>  >   }
>  >  }
> Okay, so this is the way to handle it, eh?  I just wanted to make sure
>  there was nothing out there already for this.  I may make up a
>  Spring-based solution that allows me to "register" an exception
>  handler for specific types of runtime exceptions.  That way, my forms
>  don't need to know I'm using Hibernate.  They can just deal with my
>  domain interface (a repository).  Thanks for the tip!

What if we changed IRequestCycleSettings to include these methods:

public void addRuntimeExceptionHandler(Class exceptionClass,
IRuntimeExceptionHandler handler);
public IRuntimeExceptionHandler getRuntimeExceptionHandler(RuntimeException e);

Then, add the IRuntimeExceptionHandler interface:

public interface IRuntimeExceptionHandler
  public Page onRuntimeException(Page page, RuntimeException e);

Then, RequestCycle's onRuntimeException() method as follows:

public void onRuntimeException(Page page, RuntimeException e)
  IRuntimeExceptionHandler handler =
  if( handler != null )
    return handler.onRuntimeException(page,e);
  return null;

This way, folks could install their own exception handlers very
easily.  The getRuntimeExceptionHandler() method would do a search up
the class hierarchy if necessary, so you could install a handler for
IOException which would cover FIleNotFoundException, for instance.
What do you think?

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