I suggest getting a thread dump at the time of the exception, to see
which threads are stuck. You can do that by sending a kill -3 to the
java process running your webapp. The stack traces should be in your
console output captured by your server.


On 3/18/08, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i think the only way this can happen is that you have something that
>  really takes longer then 1 minute to execute. i dont see how wicket
>  can take over your cpu....so may be it is that runaway process that
>  does that...
>  i think to debug it you might want to attach a profiler to the server
>  and wait for it to happen, take a cpu timing profile and see what was
>  going on during the spike...
>  does the message tell you who it is locked by? which page or
>  otherwise? if not that is possibly something we can improve also...
>  -igor
>  On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Jeremy Levy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I am seeing the "After 1 minute the Pagemap null is still locked" error in
>  >  production a couple of times a day for about the last week or so.  We put 
> in
>  >  a major update to our site about 3 weeks ago, but only recently started
>  >  seeing this error.  I suspect they are related.
>  >
>  >  From doing some research on the mailinglist it seems that this comes up 
> when
>  >  a user requests a new page while there is an open request still 
> processing.
>  >
>  >  http://www.nabble.com/pagemap-locking-to11350774.html#a11350774
>  >
>  >  At the same time (or a few seconds before) the CPU is pegged at 100% and
>  >  stays that way.  Overtime the CPU usage progressively gets more and more
>  >  backed up (I assume because this issue keeps happening and compounds the
>  >  load).
>  >
>  >  The longest page request on the site is a panel which has 4 child lazy
>  >  loading panels but none of them take longer then a max of 4 seconds, which
>  >  is pretty strictly enforced.
>  >
>  >  The CPU getting pegged is a huge problem because it is forcing us to 
> restart
>  >  the server every some often.
>  >
>  >  For now we have not been able to reproduce this error in a development
>  >  environment, any suggestions, or troubleshooting ideas?
>  >
>  >  Jeremy
>  >
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