Thanks Maurice,

I was able to get this to work by copying PagingNavigator, PagingNavigation, PagingNavigationLink and PagingNavigationIncrementLink.

The only substantial changes I made were to make PagingNavigationLink and PagingNavigationIncrementLink extend SubmitLink and then in the onsubit to do some horrible stuff to update the models.

        public void onSubmit()
                FormComponent.IVisitor visitor = new FormComponent.IVisitor(){
                    public Object formComponent(IFormVisitorParticipant formComponent)
                        if (formComponent instanceof FormComponent)
                            ((FormComponent) formComponent).validate();
                            ((FormComponent) formComponent).updateModel();
                        if (formComponent.processChildren())
                                return Component.IVisitor.CONTINUE_TRAVERSAL;
                                return Component.IVisitor.CONTINUE_TRAVERSAL_BUT_DONT_GO_DEEPER;

I still haven't got the autoEnable and linksTo functionality working,  but it is just some cosmetics.


Maurice Marrink wrote:
That is a known issue, unfortunately you will need to create your own
version of a submittingpagingnavigator. The api for those classes is
however not very extendable friendly so you probably end up
copy-pasting large portions of code.
I believe Martijn is planning on refactoring that component, just not
for wicket 1.3.x.

As an alternative you might be able to use ajaxcheckboxes?


On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 12:30 PM, Trevor Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a form containing a GridView with a PagingNavigator.
 Within each cell I have an image and a CheckBox.  When a user submits
 the form I collect all the image refs from the selected cells and
 process them.

 My problem is I would like to do this across multiple pages.  So the user
 scenario is:
 A user goes through the pages using the navigator and selects, using the
 checkboxes, what images they like and then presses a select button.

 Unfortunately the selections are not preserved when I use a
 PagingNavigator on the form.  A paging navigator renders links rather
 than a submit, so any selections are lost.

 Any ideas how to get around this??

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