Can you show any binding code related to your case?

2008/3/18, Kai Mütz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Nobody out there with a similar problem? I have mounted the page as
>  bookmarable page. Can this cause the problem? I have already set the
>  response header to no-cache.
>  Anybody an idea?
>  2008/3/17, Kai Mütz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  >
>  > Hi,
>  >
>  > I am using the filter toolbar with filter form within a DefaultDataTable
>  > very similar to the phonebook example. I also use the GoAndClearFilter.
>  > The problem is the clear function: If I press the "clear" button the
>  > filter form modal seems to be updated/cleared because all (non filtered)
>  > results are shown. But the input fields (TextFiltered and
>  > ChoiceFiltered) of the filter form are not cleared. Does anybody know
>  > this problem?
>  >
>  > Regards, Kai
>  >

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