francisco treacy schrieb:

and i'm instantiating the component like this:

setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(doctor));
add(new CustomAjaxEditableChoiceLabel("free").setOutputMarkupId(true));

this is working very well, except for the labels when i enter the
dropdown mode.... i still see "true", "false", (blank). i want my
labels also to be displayed when entering in "edit mode".

i read about IChoiceRenderer and i even implemented one, but i can't
use it with the CompoundPropertyModel (?).... cause in my component
constructor i can't do
super(id, Arrays.asList(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, null), new
 (i need to pass in a Model, which is not updated as it is with the
compound one. or how would you do?)

Have you tried
super(id, new PropertyModel(doctor, "property"), Arrays.asList(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, null), new CustomDropDownRenderer());


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