Hi All,

I'm experiencing a possible regression for wicket:enclosure in Wicket
1.3.3 (maybe related to the couple of patches that involved enclosures
for 1.3.3). It thought of a regression because the following code
works just fine in 1.3.1, even if I haven't tested it in 1.3.2.

Basically, I have a RadioGroup with a couple of options. When the user
selects the second option, a text field and link (wrapped in an
enclosure) should appear next to the option. If she/he selects the
first option, they should disappear again. Their visibility management
is based on the enclosure.

    <form wicket:id="form">
        <span wicket:id="radioGroup">

            <input wicket:id="radioOne" type="radio" value="U">
            <span onclick="event.cancelBubble = true;">Set OPTION ONE

           <input wicket:id="radioTwo" type="radio" value="P"/>
           <span onclick="event.cancelBubble = true;">Set OPTION TWO
               <wicket:enclosure child="textField">
                   <input wicket:id="textField" type="text"/>
                   <a wicket:id="link">link</a>

        <input type="button" wicket:id="submitButton"/>

On the Java side, the relevant code looks like this (feel free to ask
for further details):

radioGroup.add(new AjaxFormRadioUpdatingBehavior("onclick"){
            protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                if (OPTION_ONE.equals(getSelectedOption())) {
                } else {

As you can see, I set the visibility of the textField depending on the
selected option and then update the container (the radioGroup). Again,
it worked fine in 1.3.1.

Is anybody aware of this or has anyone else experienced the same
change in enclosure functioning from Wicket 1.3.1 to 1.3.3?

Thank you very much and keep up the good work!

Fabio Fioretti - WindoM

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