what kind of model?
can it be auto resolved? is it a property model or something that can give
the type back (by looking at the setXxx method or something like that)
If not then you have to set it yourself.


On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Jan Kriesten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Johan,
>  Thats how all formcomponents work.
> > If you dont set a type and it cant resolve it themselfs or the type is
> > resolved to  a string then convertValue() is used and not the
> > converter. If you want a converter to be called on a string you have
> > to set the type yourself.
> >
> I don't think you got my point:
> I have an AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel that gets an org.jdom.Document in the
> provided Model. There is an IConverter for this registered with the
> ConverterLocator.
> My problem is: without setType( orj.jdom.Document.class ) the AEL tries to
> save a String back to the Model! Since it doesn't get a String in the Model,
> why trying to save one to it?!
> Best regards, --- Jan.
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