Gwyn Evans wrote:
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Sebastiaan van Erk

 However they're still workarounds for something that I think is
conceptually not quite right in Wicket currently: the fact that it should be
possible to mount different locales of a page on different urls, for
*whatever* coding strategy I choose to use.

I suspect that it's just that the default behaviour (automatically
using the user's locale to return the locale-specific page) covers the
majority of requirements & no-one's raised an issue to modify the url
coding strategies, let alone contributed code!  A quick search back on
the list suggested something similar had been asked by various people
a couple of times before, but it's not clear if anything was then
coded or if they found a different approach.

Yes, I did the search as well, and saw nobody with a clear answer on how they went about it. The best approach I saw on the list was getting the locale from the root part of the URL, but I'm not that deep into wicket that I'd know how to go about building that in a proper way.

Note that even if you think you can't contribute code for one reason
or another, an discussion here followed by a JIRA issue with specific
use-cases will mean it's not forgotten, at least.

It does seem unlogical to me that you would *mount* different versions of a resource on a single URL, so I'll open a JIRA on it.


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