Greetings, wicket experts,

I am a newly infatuated wicket developer, and would like to solicit your advice on the best way to design a table that can support up to 100,000 rows. Here are my initial thoughts:

* Clearly, I don't want to display all of them at once. I am assuming that I will want to use a class like PageableListView so that I can show only 500 or so at a time. Is that reasonable, or is there a better approach?

* Clearly, I don't want to have to keep all of the rows in memory. I am assuming I need to use a LoadableDetachable model as a result. Is that correct?

* Finally, when I am displaying Page 1 containing 500 rows (using something like PageableListView), I'd like to only populate my model with rows 1-500 from my backing store. Let's say the user then clicks on Page 3: at that point, I'd like to go retrieve rows 1001-1500 from my backing store and populate my model for rows 1001-1500. How would one go about doing this? Would it be possible to kind of sketch out the approach for me?

If I am totally going down the wrong path, please let me know about that.

Thanks for your help!

Philip Johnson

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