As mentioned in previous posts, I'm a new wicket user and I'm migrating to it.

I may be having a mental block, but I'm finding it tedious to implement 'if'
behavior in Wicket.

As an example, I have a page which lists information about a DD Poker online
user.  It lists known aliases for the user (which are linked to details
about that alias) or none:

  Known Aliases:  none 
  --- or ---
  Known Aliases:  _Tahoe_  _Zorro_

Ideally, I'd like a reusable panel component which displays 'none' or the
linked aliases.  Thus the displaying page can just define <div
wicket:id="aliases"></div> and do add(new Aliases("aliases")) in the java

However, in order for Aliases to do it's thing, it seems like I need to do
one of two things:

***** OPTION ONE *****

Define a template like 

A: <-span- wicket-id="none">None</-span->
B: <-a- href="#" wicket-id="links"><-span-

Then in the java code, use setVisible() to turn A/B on/off depending on
whether there are any aliases.

****** OPTION TWO *****

Define a template like

<-div- wicket-id="aliasDetail"></-div->
Define two more panels, AliasesNone and AliasesList 

and in the java code do

if (aliases.size() == 0)
   add new AliasesNone("aliasDetail");
  add new AliasesList("aliasDetail");

The problem I see with this is that to implement a simple fragment would
require 3 panel classes (with 3 associated HTML classes) as opposed to the
few lines of JSP code I use today. 

***** END OPTIONS *****

In summary, it seems to me that in order to do if-then logic in wicket, I
need to choose one of the following options:

a) list all options in the html template and turn off the ones that don't
apply depending on the data.
b) define Panels at a very fine level and have the Java code select the
correct sub-panel depending on the data. 

This is seems like a lot of work - is there an easier way?

I also feel that I want to be able to add components in Java with out
needing associated markup.  In other words, I feel artificially constrained
not being able to do something like this:

   Known aliases: <-span- wicket:id="aliases">list here || none</-span->

   List a = getAliases(user);
   if (a.empty())
       add(new Label("aliases", "none");
      RepeatingView rv = new RepeatingView("aliases");
      for (Alias alias : a)
         Link l = new Link([detailpage for alias]);
         l.add(new Label(alias.getName());

I'm interested to here what wicket users have done in practice.  It seems
very common to have if-logic in html pages that depending on the condition
display completely different html hierarchies.



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