Can anyone give me an explanation about paging with DetachableModel?

My problem:
We have records in the DB that can be a-lot.
We also filter them sometimes.

someone in the company created a non-standard paging.
He doesn't use the Wicket's paging.

The iterator method of the DataProvider he created returns only the number
of elements that should be displayed in the current page.
Eg. suppose we decided we show 20 records per page.
The DataProvider keeps track on which page we're at.
Then he calculates the indexes of records.
It's done in getVisibleTickets() method.
int fromIndex = (currentPage - 1) * (ticketsPerPage);
int toIndex = ticketsPerPage;

And then he asks the DB for the records in this range (with the filter).
This is the size() method:
    public int size() {
        if ((visibleTickets == null) || (update)) {
        return visibleTickets.size();

OK, I hope i was clear enough.
I know that it might be done using Wicket's library.
Can anyone explain?

Eyal Golan

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