I have just started using Wicket, and I use Guice for bindings.
However, I got into a situation where private final fields initialized
directly would be null.

Here is the code in my WebApplication constructor:

addComponentInstantiationListener(new IComponentInstantiationListener() {
            private final Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new

           public void onInstantiation(Component component) {

I prefered this to the wicket guice plugin, that seems to do the above
steps manually by reimplementing Guice logic.

Here is my simple Page body:

    private final Label message = new Label("message", "Text");

    private Service service;

    public void init(Service service) {
        this.service = service;

I get a NullPointerException on the add, because message is null.
According to my understanding of Java, I can`t even see how this is
possible. The default constructor should be called regardless, and
thus message would get set.

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