Using bits of the examples provided in wicket-security, I have the following method define in AcegiLoginContext...

    private AbstractAuthenticationToken token;
    public AcegiLoginContext(AbstractAuthenticationToken token) {
        this.token = token;

Again, following the examples, I call the previous method from my login page as follows....

LoginContext ctx = AcegiLoginContext(new TestingAuthenticationToken(username, password, getAuthorities(username, password)));

However, the compiler (and NetBeans) complains that AcegiLoginContext(TestingAuthenticationToken, ...) isn't a valid method. NetBeans suggests creating the method. But given that these are drawn from the (presumably) working examples, what is the issue? TestingAuthenticationToken extends AbstractAuthenticationToken, so shouldn't it be acceptable as input to AcegiLoginContext(AbstractAuthenticationToken token)? My brain is so twisted around trying to find the relevant parts of the example that I must be missing something.

I feel like Dr. Thorndyke from High Anxiety, falling into a swirling morass of interleaved code. ;)


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