So when are you going to fix that build failure ;)


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Rüdiger Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I registered at teamcity with username mindhaq.
>  I'm maintaining the wicketstuf-picnik project.
>  greetings,
>  Rüdiger
>  Am Montag, den 05.05.2008, 10:40 +0200 schrieb Martijn Dashorst:
>  > We have moved our build server to run on teamcity. Our previous
>  > software was not up to par. I have picked Teamcity because it was the
>  > quickest to setup securely at 1am in the morning (yes I've looked at
>  > hudson), several of the core committers use the product in their
>  > companies and we don't have a problem with using commercial software
>  > for free :)
>  >
>  > You can register yourself on our teamcity server:
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > This doesn't give you the ability to add projects/build
>  > configurations, but it will make our lives much easier to grant you
>  > that ability.
>  >
>  > Registration is available to all project maintainers on Wicket Stuff
>  > and other Wicket related open source projects (Wicket Web Beans comes
>  > to mind).
>  >
>  > Add your account and reply in this thread when you are done. Please
>  > provide the projects you are maintaining or want to maintain (this
>  > gives me an overview of who does what). One of the teamcity admins
>  > will grant you the ability to manage your own build configuration.
>  >
>  > I'm sorry that all the effort that went into configuring bamboo is now
>  > naught, however I am confident that teamcity will help us throughout
>  > 2008 and beyond in managing our builds.
>  >
>  > Martijn
>  >

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