>  Hello eelco,
>  Anyway JBoss default servlet container is tomcat, but they are replacing it
>  with their own container which is jboss-web i dont know if they already
>  did...

Ah, I didn't know that.

> anyway, im experementing on wicket-push bcoz the cleint wants some
>  sort of messaging on their app..(actually our web-app is entirely made on
>  wicket :)  so im here )...but my problem is how to send specific message
>  notification to a person logged in...any idea how to accomplish this would
>  be great...

Note that you can still implement messaging the 'old fashioned' way by
using Ajax polling (basically a thread in your browser that polls for
new events every n seconds).

But ideally, we have implementations of wicket-push for every project.
I don't know enough about that project to see anything beyond that

> anyway, i have a copy of wicket-in-action it is great i learn a
>  lot from that.

Good to hear :-)


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