Plenty of such companies around in the Netherlands it seems. Search through the list archives for ideas :-) Topicus, Xebia, Servoy, Hippo, Finalist to name a few. Good knowledge of Dutch is probably required, especially if you want to work outside of 'de randstad'.

Hi there from the Hippo department :). I'd be more than happy to talk to you 
about a Wicket job.
Our headquarters are in Amsterdam (which indeed is within the Randstad), and we 
have an office in San Francisco where we do mainly Portal development. English 
is the primary language for our developers - although most of them are Dutch.

We use Wicket for Hippo CMS v7, our flagship content management system, and 
Hippo Portal, our portal engine. Your help would be very much appreciated as we 
expect to rely more and more on Wicket.

Take a look at,senior-developer.html 
for some more inspiration.
Interesting, do you also work with freelancers? :)


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