First of all, thanks.
(most of) all the above I found out.
I mentioned "weird" because if that was the problem (Serialization or
invalid constructor), then the Expand link would have never worked. Am I
BUT, The exception happens only after I go to a BookmarkableLink.

It's not we didn't try to discover the problem before :)

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Martijn Dashorst <

> On 5/13/08, Eyal Golan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  We have a weird exception in our system.
> Not so weird when you read the exception trace. It is a dark art, but
> worth the effort of learning.
> >  My team mates created a non standard DataView:
> Uh oh... :)
> So read this part:
> >  2008-05-13 10:55:21,885 ERROR [org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle] - Could
> not
> >  deserialize object using
> >
>  `$DefaultObjectStreamFactory`
> >  object factory
> What does that mean? (Don't read ahead just yet, think about the message)
> It means that an object, your Item's model object, could not be
> deserialized. This means that one of your objects that are attached to
> the page does not honor the serialization contract. Specifically when
> you go through the stack trace and find the cause:
> >  Caused by:
> >  com.eurekify.tms.web.common.campaign.ManagedItemDecorator; no valid
> >  constructor
> It seems that there is something wrong with ManagedItemDecorator - it
> is missing some valid constructor. Now if you don't know why this is,
> then look up the InvalidClassException using google. This points to
> the following JavaDoc [1] and states:
> Thrown when the Serialization runtime detects one of the following
> problems with a Class.
> * The serial version of the class does not match that of the class
>   descriptor read from the stream
> * The class contains unknown datatypes
> * The class does not have an accessible no-arg constructor
> Voila, there is your problem, which you could discover yourself given
> a bit of brain excercise.
> Martijn
> [1]
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Eyal Golan


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