I'm trying to get a handle on thread-safety for components.  I'm new
to Wicket.  My best information, so far, comes from the previous
discussion "Wicket Session and threading":


Eelco Hillenius, in response to Sebastiaan van Erk, wrote:

> Yes. We try our best to make pages/ components as thread safe as
> possible...
> > Is there anywhere a small piece on how to deal with threading within
> > Wicket (i.e., what is/is not synchronized in a request/response
> > roundtrip?). I did some quick searching in the mailing list archives and
> > google, but could not find anything related to version 1.3.
> Pages are synced on pagemaps, which basically relates to browser
> windows. RequestCycles are separate instances which are not reused, so
> no sync needed there. Sessions are not synced so you need to sync
> manually. Though in practice this wouldn't give much trouble to start
> with. Applications are shared an not synced.

During form processing, however, my own pages are *not* synced on
their pagemaps (at least not on their monitor locks).  I placed this
is in my code:

  assert Thread.holdsLock( /*page*/this.getPageMap() );

This asserts false during the setting of TextField models (Wicket
1.3.2), and false during the call to Form.onSubmit().

How can I ensure thread safety?  In other words, if I am coding a
model, what can I assume about my client threads?  Are they
synchronized somewhere, or must I code defensively within the model?
Or, from the client side, if I have a thread that accesses a page's
components, how can it avoid tangling with the response/request

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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