Brill Pappin wrote:
> I didn't know people were even following it :)

Small town, :)  I'm working on something similar.
> I can tell you now that I only *wish* we had used something like Wicket for
> LobbyThem... Ruby on Rails was the biggest mistake we made as I can attest
> to 8 months after the event. In fact I think we'd be a lot further along now
> if we had used Wicket (or even plain old PHP)!

It's impossible to get it right, on the first pass.  If it's anything
new, it takes multiple iterations - how many, anybody's guess.

Wicket is saving me time.  It's plain Java and HTML - that was the
initial attraction.  I can work it under the hood, if necessary.  But
the real time saver, it turns out, has been this list.  The code's
well supported by its developers.  They meet the users half way.
(Now, if I can do that in my own projects, that might be the key.)

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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