In our use case all the pages are stateless, but they are by no means static. We have in fact designed the entire site to use stateless pages, again for scalability; but every single page is also dynamic. I would like to produce and share some metrics from the JVM around object allocation and collection for a wicket application that is under sustained load using JMeter, and will do so as and when these become available. If anyone has any concise testing strategies along these lines please share them....


From: "Eelco Hillenius" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 7:18 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Page pooling (for stateless pages)

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 11:04 PM, James Carman
stateless != static, though

If you cache the results of a stateless page, you could show stale
information from the database, correct?

True, so it depends on your use case. And obviously it wouldn't work
for form processing either. But for - say - a catalogue site where
hourly updates are good enough (in which case you would invalidate the
cache every hour), it might be an option.


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