An easy way would be to check them against the expected html output.
See for example WicketTestCase#assertResultPage


On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 7:56 PM, Ryan O'Hara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to test a component that is added to another component that is
> added to the page.  For example, I'd like to test the FeedbackPanel below
> that is added to the Form which is added to the page.  I'm unsure of how to
> do this.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!
> Ryan
> public AdvancedSearch() {
>        add(new TabbedHeader("advancedSearchTabbedHeader"));
>        Form form = new Form("advancedSearch", new
> CompoundPropertyModel(this));
>        add(form);
>        //feedbackPanel
>        FeedbackPanel feedbackPanel = new FeedbackPanel("feedbackPanel");
>        feedbackPanel.add(new AttributeModifier("class", true, new
> Model("feedbackPanel")));
>        feedbackPanel.setFilter(new ContainerFeedbackMessageFilter(form));
>        form.add(feedbackPanel);
> public void testDisplayAdvancedSearch(){
>        //create a tester and go to acknowledgements
>        WicketTester tester = new WicketTester(new CnvApplication());
>        tester.startPage(AdvancedSearch.class);
>        //check to make sure all components exist with correct names and
> types
>        tester.assertComponent("advancedSearchTabbedHeader",
> TabbedHeader.class);
>        FormTester formTester = tester.newFormTester("advancedSearch");
>        //*****tester.assertComponent("feedbackPanel", FeedbackPanel.class);
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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