On Tue, 03 Jun 2008, gurgel2 wrote:
> I want to do a popup menu (using a z-indexed layer) that should closed if i
> click anywhere, EXCEPT on the menu itself.
> Its the close "behavior" I need to know. Everything but that, is clear to
> me.  A similar behavior to a opened desktop app "File,Edit, .. Help"  menu
> or a context menu (not opened with right button ofcourse). 

I'm not a HTML / Javascript expert, but I've heard from them
that how JS events get propagated in the DOM hierarchy can
be tricky and vary from browser to browser.

After trying to circumvent this requirement ;), I would try
putting everything on the page in one big div, except for
the popup menu that would be outside the úber-div in HTML 
and positioned over it with absolute positioning or
something. This way maybe the menu would get its own clicks
because of its higher z-index, and the úber-div would get
all the other clicks. But the latter part might depend on
how much luck you have with the event propagation and where
the users happen to click exactly...

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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