On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 1:57 PM, Martin Makundi
>> if you chain your models properly (make child's model depend on
>> parent's model) this should work transparently.
> Say I have a Person with properties Person.country and Person.city.
> Then I have a countryCombo = dropDown... and a cityCombo =
> dropDown()..
> Now if I change the country, I must change the list of allowed values
> for cityCombo.
> What is your idea of nice chaining?


>> if the parent component repaints itself then all child components are
>> repainted as well...
> They are not hierarchical in the DOM sense. I have:
> countryCombo.add(onChangeAjaxBehavior() {
>   // ....
>       reloadCityCombo();
>       ajaxRefreshCityCombo();
> }
> All this is manual repeating work... I would rather just have
> hierarchicalUpdate.attachChangeListener(CITY);
> hierarchicalUpdate.reload(CITY);
> hierarchicalUpdate.ajaxRefresh(CITY, target);
> .. or something. Haven't quite wrapped up my idea yet, but I see a lot
> of reload-refresh pattern happening which would suggest some
> centralized functionality. My greatest oncern is when I have more than
> two chained components, I sometimes get confused with the
> chain-of-command and sometimes some elements forget to refresh. If I
> had a hierarchicalUpdateManager or something, all I would need to do
> is just to attach the child component into the proper node ("on a
> global scale" instead of finding the proper line-of-code).

interface statechangedlistener { protected void
onstatechanged(ajaxrequesttarget t); }

city.onupdate() { getpage().visitchildren(statechangedlistener.class) {...}}

there is your basic listener support. then you just let your city
dropdown implement statechangedlistener and do the right thing in


> **
> Martin
>>> Has someone found a generic eventlistener-like solution to this?
>> there is a patch in jira for a generic event/listener mechanism, but
>> it wont happen until 1.5 because it requires api breaks.
>> -igor
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