Jonathan Locke wrote:
>  - (only signed) jars could be automatically picked up by some naming
> pattern from maven repos and deployed as live demos 

Once a signed jar is identified, what about something like OSGi to deploy

- metadata would define an application name
- load the component(s) bundle into the OSGi framework, have a listener for
new bundle registrations
- deploy the application to http://sitename/appName/ (have a dispatcher
servlet filter that reads the app name, trims it, and forwards to the
appropriation WebApplication within a bundle)
- when a new version of the module is released just de-activate the old
bundle and activate the new one (versions based on maven artifact/group ids)

I have only been playing with OSGi for jar deployments in a very narrow
scope, but it seems like a good option.  It should allow you to avoid
restarting anything for app deployments.
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