Hi -
  I am trying to integrate ajax behavior with a radio button such that
whenever a radio button in a radio group is selected - an appropriate
handler is invoked.

RadioGroup sex = new RadioGroup("sex");
sex.add(new Radio("M", new Model(AgeValidator.SexEnum.MALE)));
sex.add(new Radio("F", new Model(AgeValidator.SexEnum.FEMALE)));

new OnChangeAjaxBehavior(
    protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
    //code to execute when a radio button is selected.
   //appropriate component added to target.


<wicket:container wicket:id="sex">
        <td><input wicket:id="M" type="radio" />Male <input
        wicket:id="F" type="radio" />Female</td>

This does not seem to invoke the ajax code handler that I was
expecting when I select an age in the front - end. Any idea what I am
missing here.

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