Hi All,

I have a Save Form where user should be able to add/save new records and
should be able 
to view feedback if there are any errors. 

In short, When user loads up the page he sees a form and under it a
which holds the deafault search results.

If he tries to add a record and Add is "Successful" then DataTable gets
updated via Ajax.
In case of "Failure" errors are reported on feedback panel.

Here is how I have implemented it:


<div wicket:id="saveUserFeedback">[Feedback-error messages etc.]</div>
<form wicket:id="saveUserForm">
                        <td>First Name:</td>
                        <td><input type="text" wicket:id="firstName" /></td>
                        <td>Last Name:</td>
                        <td><input type="text" wicket:id="lastName" /></td>
                        <td><input type="submit" wicket:id="saveContactButton" 
<!--  Updatable container for search/add results  -->
<div wicket:id="resultsContainer">
        <table wicket:id="addResultsTable">[Results for add/search
public class SaveContactPage extends WebPage
        // Hold reference to provider..
        AddContactDataProvider provider;
        // Hold refernce to FeedbackPanel...
        FeedbackPanel saveUserFeedback;
        //Hold refernece to updatable dataTable's container..
        WebMarkupContainer resultsContainer;

        public SaveContactPage()
                add(saveUserFeedback = new FeedbackPanel("saveUserFeedback"));

                SaveUserForm userForm = new SaveUserForm("saveUserForm");

                // Get a new provider.
                provider = new AddContactDataProvider((ContactInfoPOJO)

                // Get all the columns.
                List<IColumn> columns = createColumns();

                resultsContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("resultsContainer");
                resultsContainer.add(new DataTable("addResultsTable", columns,
                                provider, 10));


        private List<IColumn> createColumns()
                List<IColumn> columns = new ArrayList();
                columns.add(new PropertyColumn(this.getModel(), "firstName"));
                columns.add(new PropertyColumn(this.getModel(), "lastName"));

// Begin Save USER Form.
private class SaveUserForm extends StatelessForm
        public SaveUserForm(String id)
                // Set Form's model
                setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(new ContactInfoPOJO()));
                add(new TextField("firstName"));
                add(new TextField("lastName"));
                add(new AjaxFallbackButton("saveContactButton", this)
                        protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form 
                                // TODO 1: Is this Correct approach 
                                // (i.e. calling the provider
                                // again to refresh the container)
                                // On Submit....call the provider again?

                                provider = new 
                                //Refresh the dataTable

                                // In case of Failure...Display the error 


                        protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form 
                                // TODO 3: Show Errors...if any
                                // But Error happned in DataProvider...
                                // How do I get hold of Error Object Here...




public class AddContactDataProvider extends SortableDataProvider

    private ContactInfoPOJO contactPojo;
    private ContactManager contactManager;
    public AddContactDataProvider(ContactInfoPOJO contactPojo) 
        this.contactPojo = contactPojo;
        contactManager = new JDBCContactManager();

    public Iterator iterator(int first, int count) 
        // Save the Contact...
        //TODO 2::: HOW? WHERE???
        //If Save FAILED then GET ERROR MESSAGE 
        // Get the saved list back....
        List contacts = contactManager.getUsers();
        if (first > 0) {
                contacts = contacts.subList(first, first + count);
        return contacts.iterator();

    public IModel model(Object object) 
         return new ContactModel((ContactInfoPOJO)object);

    public int size() 
        return contactManager.getContacts().size();


1. Is calling dataprovider again the correct approach for updating the
datatable? (See TODO 1 above) Can someone please suggest an alternate
2. How do I pass the Error Object to Page's Panel from DataProvider in case
of Unsuccessful  save?(see TODo: 2 above)
3. Will onError be called if I somehow plugin the error message to feedback
Panel (See TODO: 3)

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