There is no need to map 4 applications in your web.xml. Mount your
pages to a URL using Application#mount() in your Application#init().
In your case IndexedUrlCodingstrategy sounds like a good starting


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:57 PM, Sebastian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently trying to convert a custom application to Wicket and hit an
> issue regarding URL mappings.
> We have the requirement for URL-to-page mappings as follows:
> 1) http://localhost/app/                           ->
> 2) http://localhost/app/info                       ->
> 3) http://localhost/app/<e>/<entry>/               ->
> 4) http://localhost/app/<category>/                ->
> 5) http://localhost/app/<category>/<subcategory>/  ->
> The problem is that I would need to mount the /app/ four times but Wicket
> throws an exception.
> An additional difficulty is that for URL mapping 3) the parameter <e> is
> always the first character of <entry>. <category> can never be only one
> character, thus the URLs 3) and 4)/5) are - from a logical point -
> distinguishable based on the URL pattern.
> Which URL encoding strategies would I need to configure how to achieve such
> a mapping? Is it possible at all with Wicket?
> Thanks in advance,
> Seb
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